“I don’t think I’m one of them either. I’m one of mine.”


Welcome to The Woke Contrarian! The Woke Contrarian is the anonymous blog of a jaded leftist. I’m old enough to remember the fall of the Iron Curtain and grew up without social media or smartphones, but too young to remember a world without the personal computer. (I was born during the Reagan administration, so you can do the math.) This blog talks mostly about politics, but I occasionally throw in a personal rant if it’s related to politics.

Why did I create The Woke Contrarian? There are two reasons.

First, I hate the excesses of identity politics and wish my race, gender and sexual orientation were politically irrelevant. Unfortunately, the right’s embrace of racism, sexism, classism and ableism has forced me to use identity politics as a tool to advocate for my human rights. I want the focus to be on my ideas, but I do refer to certain statuses in my posts to draw attention to both right-wing bigotry and left-wing identitarianism.

Second, I am tired of feeling that I have to accept “packages” of political beliefs beyond my opposition to supremacist ideologies (e.g., fascism, religious fundamentalism, ethnonationalism, patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, eugenics). I want to have room to oppose Hamas’s antisemitic terrorism and the Israeli apartheid regime, to be neither a Zionist nor an anti-Zionist. I want to say “No more weapons to Israel!” and “No more pogroms against Jews by Hamas terrorists” at the same time. I want to be able to reject Ukrainian ethnonationalism and forced monolingual policies and condemn Putin’s imperialist invasion of a much weaker neighbour, even with NATO’s support of Kiev. (Yes, Kiev.) I want to be able to be a leftist without being a Marxist, to strive towards an anarcho-communist society and use democratic socialism as the transitional state, rather than a single-party Marxist–Leninist state. I want to be able to criticise western capitalist countries like the United States and France without automatically siding with Russia, China, Iran and especially North Korea. (Seriously, fuck North Korea. Why the hell is anyone supporting them who hasn’t been force-fed a diet of state propaganda all their lives?)

Although The Woke Contrarian focuses primarily on my grievances with the “woke left,” this is not an anti-woke blog. The anti-woke movement is reactionary and fascist-adjacent. Anyway, I’m for equality, decency, critical thinking, and common sense. Maybe you are, too—if so, consider reading.

My current beliefs (subject to change, but this is where they stand as of late 2023):

  • I am against all supremacists, including racial supremacists, fascists, Nazis, religious fundamentalists, sexists (including homophobes and transphobes) and eugenics.
  • I am an anti-nationalist without exceptions. Even nationalisms of the oppressed can turn ugly fast.
  • Everyone should have shelter, food, clothing, education, and healthcare.
  • Capitalism should be dismantled, but it needs to be dismantled thoughtfully.
  • Children and adolescents have the right to be protected from sexual abuse and exploitation. I do not support the repeal of age-of-consent laws. This should go without saying, but a lot of contrarian radicals don’t seem to agree.